Wednesday, February 8, 2017

The Clovis and Hala Salaam Maksoud Chair in Arab Studies

A graduate of Pepperdine University with a bachelor of arts in business, Jamal Daniel went on to complete a master of business administration at the University of Texas at Austin Business School. The chairman of Houston-based Crest Investment Company, Jamal Daniel leveraged his training and experience to establish the Levant Foundation.

The Levant Foundation seeks to promote an understanding of Middle Eastern cultures, specifically the relationship between Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. 

The foundation accomplishes this goal by collaborating with universities, religious institutions, and fine art institutions to fund artistic and educational programming. Initiatives funded by the Levant Foundation include the Jamal Daniel Fund for the Study of the Levant, which supports students at Georgetown University’s Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service. 

In addition, in 2006, the foundation created an endowment for the University of Texas Press to publish up to three books per year on the three aforementioned monotheistic religions or on issues affecting the people of the Levant region.